focus s

focus sfocus s
  1. Similarly , other functions for country and society , community , teachers and students are put at edge . The education and selection function are the focus of S high school .


  2. Ity focus ( s ) ed diode image intensifier The shell smashed glass in nearby buildings , but officials said no one was injured .


  3. It has become a focus of S T management to analyze and evaluate the status and trends of S T evolution , choose priority area of development , and make proper distribution of resources .


  4. Recall that the explicit focus of B & S is financial accounting information and corporate governance .


  5. The issue of Network privacy has become the focus of the world s attention all the more since the end of twenty century .


  6. After intermediate and deep focus earthquakes , M S ≥ 7.0 shallow earthquakes of Taiwan region and M S ≥ 6.0 shallow earthquakes of northeast Qinghai Xizang block may occur .


  7. Studies of effects of S genes on self-incompatibility in phanerogam have been the focus since the first S gene ( S-locus glycoprotein , SLG ) was identified .
